
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Whats for dinner

This is my feature where I'll post my reviews of products we used to make dinner that evening. Some will be recipes others will be quick meals.

Tonights dinner is using the slow cooker easy meal  Beef stew from Sams choice. I had come down with a cold so wanted my family to have a great dinner that I could set and forget. 

So after it was done I cooked it for 8 hours in the slow cooker as directed. It was good, unlike a lot of these ready meals this one did not taste salty. My son who is two ate a lot of it. The meat was very tender. It could have used a little more beef flavor as in spices. Over all I would purchase it again though I did find the price of it a little high. It was 9.50 a bag. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Podcast # 12 Is Up and I have a guest.

Where oh were oh were has the summer gone?

So many items on the needles and trying to find the time to work on them all. Do you really think 7 items is to many.......... Well maybe a little. I have my Podcast up and my guest is joining me again.
So here are all the projects I have on my needles
flax pullover

I am just loving to work on these pieces and cant wait to show you the finished projects soon.
I hope everyone has a great week. Don't forget to follow me on periscope Ill be doing weekly live feeds. I am AVIDesigns on twitter and periscope.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Knitting and healing

Hello Everyone And thank you for coming by. I have not done my blogging this way in a while I have been doing a lot more Podcast. I think I will try to start doing both,just because I have a lot going on during the day and to share. So thank you for coming by.
Sweater I'm working on for Pen hook and needles sweater along.

So this week I am not putting out a podcast. The reason why (and many of you know I'm a very stubborn, do it myself type person) so with that I desided to rework my office and craft space while my son was taking his nap. This would not have been an issue except I got a little to ahead of myself andd tried to move my very large office desk. In doing so the back large shelf fell hit me in the head right at my forhead just under my hairline. I receved a 4in gash needing 13 stitches and a ride with my son in an ambulance. So I am on the mend now,I just look like I have been in a fight. That is why I felt I did not want to put a podcast out,but that does not mean I cant blog.

I'll start what is on my needles............ I am working on my C.C.’s Vanilla Cappuccino Socks by C.C. Almon. I love this pattern very easy knit and is realy turning out nice. I still have not found my other ball of Yarn I used wool-free sock by premier yarn. The color way is grapes.

So this has realy been the only thing I have worked on. I took a break again from my sweater because I ran into an issue and just got frustrated. 

So I think that is everything......Im working on getting back to normal and heal from my injury.
Thank you to everyone for the well wishes and I cant wait to do my podcast up again.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Podcast #5 Is Up and Running

I have put up My 5th Podcast. I still am trying to get the hang of why is takes 3 days to load the podcasts on youtube.

So for the items I talk about in the podcast,
I picked up knit picks needles size 10.5 6.5mm
I also picked up Knitters pride Cords 40" 32" 24"
Knitters pride dreams Interchangeable needles us 5 3.75 mm us 8 5.00mm

The patterns I'm working on are All on my ravelry page but here are the links.
 The baby slippers
 the hat I made for my Husband
 The reading mitts

Hope everyone had a great weekend and I will talk to you again later this week.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Podcast #2 Finally got it to load

The podcast is now up. Sorry for the delay had some computer issues. It is up and running now.Podcast #2 finaly!!!!:

The items I mentioned in the podcast are

Bakery bears  Miss Gelato Giraffe
yarn I used was purchased at Hobby lobby
purchased sage antique cream and camo.

Yarn in purple reef by why knot fibers on etsy. Ill be using this yarn for susie rogers reading mitts

apps I mentioned I use are Ravulous and ravelry photo that are free on the google play store.

So it has been a crazy week. My son after getting over his ear infection  Monday night came down with a stomach bug........than I got it on Thursday. I'm on the mend but it really put things back a little. It did give me the opportunity  to finally figure out why my video would not upload and finally get it up after a week of trying. So I thank you for all your patience  and next week I will be in full podcast mode and will have items to show you.......and no can't wait to show you how the reading mitts are turning out using my Why knot Fibers...... I love this Yarn.